FoodSHare & Netokracija: Automatizacija procesa donacija viška hrane

Da li ste čuli za jednostavno rešenje distribucije viškova hrane gde se više ljudi nahrani i baci se manje?

Platforma FoodSHare je realizovana u okviru međunarodnog projekta Ploutos i uz pomoć nje svi donori i dalje ispravnih viškova hrane njihovom distribucijom podržavaju svoju lokalnu zajednicu i one najugroženije građane, ali i pomažu očuvanju životne sredine.


Naše je zadovoljstvo da podelimo sa vama da u ovom trenutku FoodSHare platforma broji više od 100 registrovanih korisnika u Srbiji i Severnoj Makedoniji, uz pomoć kojih je skoro 60 tona viškova hrane redistribuirano!


Pridružite nam se i postanite deo najbrže rastuće digitalne zajednice za redistribuciju hrane na Zapadnom Balkanu ovde:


Napredak i značaj naše platforme primećen je i od strane medija iz regiona. Naša razvojna menadžerka, Maja Žikić, dala je intervju za Netokraciju i ceo članak možete pročitati na:




Have you heard of a simple solution for food surplus distribution where more people are fed and less is thrown away?

The FoodSHare platform was developed within the international project Ploutos, and with its help, all donors of good to use food surplus can support their local community and the most endangered citizens by the distribution of food surplus, and with that also support the preservation of the environment.


We are pleased to announce that the FoodSHare platform at this moment has more than 100 registered users in Serbia and North Macedonia, with their help almost 60 tonnes of food surplus was redistributed!


Join us now and become part of the fastest-growing digital food redistribution community in Western Balkans:


The progress and importance of our platform have also been noticed by the regional media. Our Growth Lead, Maja Žikić, gave an interview for Netokracija and you can read the whole article at: