Crowdfunding in the palm of your hand: join us live tomorrow!
Are you a bio-based startup/ SME? Are you constantly in the quest for new funding sources that will help you further grow your product? Have you always wondered about the essence of crowdfunding, and how you, as an entrepreneur, can use it to your advantage?
If your answers to the questions above are positive, you’re in luck! Tomorrow, as part of the ongoing MpowerBIO Business Support Programme, our VP for Business Development – Grigoris Chatzikostas will deep-dive into the topic of crowdfunding. He will introduce to bio-based SMEs the various types of crowdfunding options and give them hands-on advice on how to successfully develop their own crowdfunding campaign.
After completing this crash course, you will better understand how crowdfunding can be used as an alternative source of financing innovation, as well as how it can complement traditional financing sources.
What you’ll learn:
- What is crowdfunding and how does it work?
- Different types of crowdfunding
- Choosing the right crowdfunding platform
- Keys to a successful crowdfunding campaign
- Intro to crowdfunding models and choosing the most suitable model for a specific SME
- Overview of the crowdfunding market
- Crowdfunding side-effects
- Crowdfunding vs. traditional financing
About the presenter: Grigoris Chatzikostas is an expert in financing innovation in agtech and foodtech. He has delivered programs supporting more than 150 startups and SMEs with pre-seed funding and business support services. As a passionate and engaging public speaker and trainer, he makes complex subjects related to EU funding and technologies accessible and easy to understand.
Interested? Register HERE!
The MPowerBIO project has received funding from the BBI JU under GA No 887501. The BBI JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and the Bio-Based Industries Consortium. This output reflects only the author’s view and the JU cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.