
Cognitive Robotic System for Digitalized and Networked (Automated) Insect Farms

Funding Program:

Horizon 2020



GA No.:




EC Funding:

€ 8.189.650,00

Swarming Towards the Future with Robotics

With the global population expected to reach 9 billion by 2030, a gap between food demand and supply could emerge, leading to food insecurity by making food unavailable, too expensive, unevenly distributed, or unsafe to eat. In this context, food security becomes one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century, and insect farming could offer a promising, sustainable solution.

Edible insects have been approved as novel food in the EU and recognised as valuable food sources for farm animals. However, to scale production and reduce costs, further advancements in research, farming protocols, and robotic automation for insect farms are needed.

CoRoSect addressed this need by combining research on insect biology and life cycles with new robotic tools for automating insect farming. This initiative aimed to replace labour-intensive tasks with automated processes, improving efficiency while optimising the biological, technical, and economic aspects of insect rearing.

Our role in the project

As leaders in Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication (DEC), Foodscale Hub:

  1. Focused on creating a strong and recognisable image for the CoRoSect project, raising awareness, and facilitating effective outreach.
  2. Developed innovative and strategic marketing approaches for these purposes.
  3. Created a business plan for the CoRoSect system and exploitation strategies for the stand-alone components and other project’s results to ensure CoRoSect’s viability after its completion.

CoRoSect by numbers