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Breeding for Integrated Pest Management Advancing Sustainability Through Innovative Varieties

I PMorama, short for Integrating Breeding for Integrated Pest Management (IPM), is focused on creating a more sustainable agricultural landscape. By reducing reliance on pesticides and boosting organic farming practices across the EU, IPMorama is dedicated to transforming food production. The project's core objective is to develop a "practice ecosystem" that encourages the breeding and adoption of crop varieties specifically designed to support Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This innovative approach aims to tackle key diseases and pests affecting wheat, potatoes, and grain legumes.

Research Objectives

  • Understanding the genetic composition of varietal resistance in target crop/pest systems and development of tools and resources that allow breeders to target the assembly of resistance components.
  • Understanding and mapping the landscape-level distribution of the target pathogens/pests, especially in terms of their virulence against the available set of resistance and tolerance genes in varieties and breeding lines.
  • Developing specific integrated pest management practices for the optimal exploitation of pest and pathogen resistance in varieties based on the first two components.
  • Developing the knowledge infrastructure for competent use of variety-centric IPM by actors across the variety-related value chain.
  • Understanding opportunities and barriers for sustainable exploitation of key experimental results (KERs).

Benefits of IPMorama

  • Scientific Advancements: The project will advance genetic mapping for wheat, potatoes, and legumes, enhancing our understanding of crop and pest varieties.
  • Innovative Solutions: Expect a range of new tools and technologies, including apps, new crop varieties, and novel business models, to emerge from the project.
  • Widespread Adoption: By engaging with farmers and other stakeholders, IPMorama aims to ensure that its results are widely adopted and integrated into farming practices.
Funding Program:
Horizon Europe
GA No.:
2024 - 2028
EC Funding:
€ 4, 835,796.25

Integrating breeding for IPM into the deployment landscape for wheat, potatoes and grain legumes- IPMorama

Our role in the project

Foodscale Hub (FSH) is leading Work Package 4 (WP4) to enhance Communication, Stakeholder Engagement, and Impact. We are dedicated to connecting key players across the value chain and ensuring ongoing collaboration. Using our expertise, we will apply a strategic coaching methodology to effectively expand IPMorama solutions, build strong relationships with stakeholders and drive project success.

IPMorama by numbers

Breeding companies