Enabling MS/AC and the EC to work in partnership for a reinforced EU bioeconomy R&I systeml
he long-term vision of the RefreSCAR project is to contribute to a strengthened SCAR within the ERA (European Research Area), enabling MS (Member States)/AC (Candidate Countries and Associated Countries) and the EC to work in partnership for a reinforced EU bioeconomy R&I system. As the activities of the SCAR WGs provide the foundational basis of expert advice and input to SCAR activities, they represent the best channel through which to target actions.
• RefreSCAR will provide direct aid to SCAR WGs, FG, and potential future groups, enabling strategic actions and quality outputs. Assist in meeting organization, secretarial tasks, and cross-WG collaboration.
• RefreSCAR will conduct regular portfolio analyses for relevant projects across national, regional, and EU levels. Strengthen strategic discussions within WGs. Additionally, the project will utilize previous 2-year analyses and connect to EU-wide project outcomes via databases like CORDIS.
• RefreSCAR will analyze SCAR WG landscape for better linkages with R&I, policy, and practice. Through this the aim is to foster connections and exchanges through dedicated forums.
• RefreSCAR will engage with new stakeholders in R&I, policy, practice, and society via traditional and innovative communication. The project will also share WG outputs, portfolio analysis, studies, and events in accessible formats.
• RefreSCAR will build on existing capabilities and the experiences of previous Foresight Exercises, to provide target support to the FG in the planning and execution of the 6th Foresight Exercise, including facilitating exchange with the SCAR WGs.
• RefreSCAR will develop tailored action plans, financial and peer-to-peer support, networking and knowledge exchange, targeted support for communication and dissemination and advise individual action plans addressing barriers to the participation of countries in SCAR WGs