WEBINAR by Ploutos: “Collaborative Sustainable Business Model Archetypes in Practice”
The upcoming webinar “Collaborative Sustainable Business Model Archetypes in Practice” is on the way!
Foodscale Hub & program “Moja prva plata”
Foodscale Hub, kao učesnik u programu “Moja prva plata”, poziva sve zainteresovane da se prijave za poziciju asistent projektni menadžer. Postanite deo mladog, dinamičnog, međunarodnog tima sa kancelarijama u Srbiji i Grčkoj.
FoodSHare & Netokracija: Automatizacija procesa donacija viška hrane
Da li ste čuli za jednostavno rešenje distribucije viškova hrane gde se više ljudi nahrani i baci se manje?
Digital Summit 2021: The Climate Smart Food
The Digital Summit 2021: Climate-Smart Food, running from September 27th to September 30th, will explore three key themes: Supply Chain and Scope 3, Sustainable Consumption, and Food Tech Innovation.
Kampanja “Spasimo hranu, spasimo humanost” i FoodSHare platforma udružuju snage u borbi protiv bacanja hrane
Uzeći u obzir činjenicu da se u Srbiji godišnje baci preko 2 miliona kilograma hrane, Koalicija za dobročinstvo predvođena Fondacijom Ana i Vlade Divac, uz finansijsku podršku Američke agencije za međunarodni razvoj (USAID), pokrenula je 23. avgusta kampanju „Spasimo hranu, spasimo humanost“.
SAVE the DATE: Pitch Perfect and Boost the European Bioeconomy 2021
Giving the European bio-economy a fresh boost with Bioeconomy Ventures
Europe's Biobased Industry is a rapidly evolving innovation sector, with numerous startups and spin-off companies striving to enter the market with competitive and innovative concepts.
The THRIVE EUROPE Challenge, under the THRIVE Global Initiative, seeks to drive transformative changes in the global food value chain via international pitch challenges.
THRIVE | Bayer Sustainability Challenge
Applications are now CLOSING for the #THRIVEBayer2021 Sustainability Challenge! #Startups and #Scaleups apply by June 11th for your chance to access amazing investment, growth, and PR resources!
Join us for a panel discussion on reducing food waste through digital platforms!
Join us for a panel discussion on reducing food waste through digital platforms!
Crowdfunding in the palm of your hand: join us live tomorrow!
Are you a bio-based startup or SME looking for funding to expand your product? Curious about crowdfunding and how it can benefit entrepreneurs like you?
FoodSHare: Nova digitalna platforma za donaciju hrane
FoodSHare platforma omogućava distribuciju viškova hrane humanitarnim na odgovoran i transparentan način.